
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When the clock ticks!

Hello amigos, welcome back! I have been having too much of a lovely time in Pune to be writing blogs and this and that! I'll give you a sneak peak anyhow!

Why is it essential human tendency to realize things when time seems to be running out? With an hourglass on my head, I've been running around like a mad chicken, gathering every second of my life in Pune and trying to make it exciting! I have somewhat succeeded too! College is finally coming to an end. Nevertheless, this blog isn't a walk down memory lane and all that nauseating nostalgia! I'll save that for later. Rather, I want to write about the walk down the present alleys and future lanes.

Let bygones remain bygones my friend and lets not change anything for now. Have no regrets like I mention in every blog. Sometimes the people you least expect, can change your perspective about general day to day stuff. That's what happened to me. People. The right bunch of right attitudes. And a good balance with quirkiness amongst other things. Every night before bed, they leave me wondering, "Where have they been all this while?". Folks, our biggest enemy is our ego. It sucks out the real you and sort of puts a false sheath on you that turns you into wannabes. I have somehow managed to overcome this sheath and have begun to accept people, new people, old people, random people and not so random ones too! A lot of misjudgments have been put in their right place, namely the emotional dustbin. Seriously, the world is a better place through my eyes now that I found my emotional dustbin.

Once that ego began to drain, I found myself open to a lot more conversation and a lot more agreeable. I was happy with myself. Something that I wasn't for the first three years of engineering. All this while, I have been trying to be someone I was not, just for the sake of being accepted socially. I have made drastic judgements and have had the tendency to over act. But with some guiding light from above, I have been able to see which part of this jigsaw I fit in. I have learnt so much more in the past 2 months than I have in all these years, thanks to some flawless people. Yes there are such people. I failed to notice them earlier, but now they are in my light and I see them clearly. Old friends will always occupy a special soft corner in my life, as they were there when I needed them. I still need them. My past and its memories are so tightly bound with them. And hence they are me. The real challenge in life is not to figure out who you can count on, but in fact the challenge is who can count on you. I believe I have a partial answer to that, which I plan to solidify in the coming one month. I want my future to be held by those hands that believe in me, that believe I have a role to play in their lives. I want to be worth it. I want to be that friend who they will always remember. And while the clock is still ticking and the heart is still beating, I know that I have already carved an image on those that matter. They are my future and they are my lifelong companions. I am so overwhelmed right now that words fail me. They have given me so much in so little time and I am blessed to have found them.

Cheers to radical realizations!

Dedicated to fudge, prado and cherry. I cannot imagine a day without you.

More later!


Unknown said...



sum said...

Thanks fudge :) Am glad you read it.. actually it was meant for you to read it!

girish said...

i liked most of it..the ego..the friendship partr..but..the when the clock ticks part..ppl arent forced by time to realize..its "change" that makes ppl realize that they have to change..and "Radical Realizations" sounds dicey..u might just have another one later on..which will be against ur present what i feel..well written..keep it up:)

sum said...

Thanks GK for the honest comments. But its when time's running out that it forces me to realize many things. Atleast that's how it works for me! And its nothing like what I have felt before, hence the blog. If opinions change, then I'll blog on that too :)
Keep reading!

Girish said...
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